March 2024 – Leadership Board Minutes

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Aldersgate Church – Leadership Board Minutes March 26, 2024

Attendance: Dave Yoder, Harvey Elder, Bob Winters, Jeff Lewis, Nancy Mosella, Ryan Wilt, Kristine Hackett, Jeff Kuhn, Kevin Hoffman, Nate Baum, Lydia Kelly, and Jan Bowden

Connecting with video: Linda Jacob and Desirre Buck.

Absent: Randy Campbell

Guests: Kent Springman

Staff: Pastor Bob Kaylor, Jennifer Rager, and Pastor Jeff Markey

Opening / Spiritual Development

Dave called the meeting to order & welcomed all in attendance.

Prayer / Devotional

Pastor Bob Had a devotional discussing how busy we have been in the past month – Souls catching up with our bodies – maybe we could pump our brakes a little. It may be time to refresh, be quiet and listen to God and have a Sabbath.

New Business

Feb Minutes approval & Financial Update

Minutes were approved (Harvey made motion and Kristine provided second) with following corrections: Name at top should be “Minutes” instead of Agenda. And the start date for Sanctuary is 4/2/24. Discussion resulted in the minutes will be posted online (Pastor Jeff will do this) and there should be 5-10 copies at front desk for congregants who cannot access online to pick up. There will be a notice in the Sunday Bulletin during the third week of the month. Recording Secretary will h0000ave minutes to Chair no later that Thursday after meeting for his approval. He then will post on Teams for other Leadership Board members to read. The LB Chair will then send out a Motion for approval to team members. After approval by the majority, the minutes then can be posted on website for congregation to see no later than the 3rd week of month.


Jennifer Rager then reported our finances are on track and we currently are in the black. We are still running short on designated fund for the Renewal Fund – about $100,000. (See figures below.)

Ryan then reported that he has a team working on the Financial Policy manual (Last Policy manual was updated in 2016.) Some things that are being discussed are: LB should have a Finance Liaison instead of a Treasurer, who signs checks, retention of records (Kent will do some research for us), and other issues. Someone has donated stock, and they are working to cash it in and TD Ameritrade may be our source to help with that.

A question arose about should we have a seminar on Wills and Estate Planning as this has been done in the past. Jan will connect with Dan Calloway (who is a member) and see when we can do this.

Policy Updates:


Randy Campbell is working on this (not present this evening) and has posted a version of it on Teams. He has asked for comments, corrections, edits, or additions by LB members. He would like to present this in April if we can review and get back to him with changes.

Endowments Updates / Motions

Kent Springman is our Endowment resource and he reported that right now our endowments are doing good -up about 5% for 1st quarter. He presented it to show corrections needed to update the Lousie Sterner endowment. These changes are only to correct the names of Aldersgate Church, and the Preschool name of the Amazing Adventures and the Advisory board which gives the scholarship and financial needs.

Kent continued with discussion on the seminary scholarship fund for Austin White. The balance is approximately $20,000. Austin will not need this full amount to complete his schooling and was asking if the balance could go to pay for his undergrad student loans. After a discussion, Nate made a motion as follows: Aldersgate Church will send a check to Spry Church in the amount of $10,000 so they can manage this account for Austin. The remaining balance will be held as a fund at Aldersgate Church for another upcoming seminary student. A second came from Harvey. A vote of approval was received. This holds true to the original endowment intent.

The Next Steps Committee – status:

Bob Rambo has stepped down as chair and Dave Y will assume the chair. A meeting will be called soon. Other members of this subcommittee are: Kevin Hoffman, Mark and Stephanie Anderson, Dave Hoffman, and Dave Yoder.

Sanctuary Renewal Committee and Fund – update: Current Numbers:

Renewed Sanctuary fund: $ 86,976.89

Capital Fund: $ 55,768.51

Total: $142,745.40

Expenses: $144,184.74 as of 3/26/24

Painting will start on April 2, so help will be needed on April 1st to clear out some items from sanctuary. The platform will be built soon, and the builder is asking for the color of the carpet to be used. It was suggested to match the carpet but suggested that might be a tripping hazard. The color decided upon will be a shade of gray.

Regular Business

Boiler update, other building issues

Cost of the repair of boiler was less than $1,000, but after noise was heard it was researched and the circulation motor and pumps will need to be replaced.

Pastor Jeff’s office should be finished by April 1st or 2nd. The admin area at the back of church still needs to be completed. It was suggested we use professionals for future projects, so they are finished in a timely manner.

September 1st will be the deadline for the Blessed Generation Church to comply with our Safe Sanctuary Policy. It has happened that they only have 1 person to care for multiple children. We must ask them to comply with our policies and procedures, so we do not have any liability issues. This will also be enforced for every group using our facility and nursery.

State of the Church

Easterfest, Soup & Study event, Easter Sunday

While we had 93 people registered for the EasterFest, less people attended. It was a cold, windy, and rainy day.

The Soup and Study event was very successful. Approximately 85 people (average) took part with 12-14 soups donated weekly. A survey was taken, and this group would like to do this type of study again in the fall.

On Easter there will be a sunrise service at 6:15am led by Pastor Jeff. We will also have Maundy Thursday service and Good Friday (Tenebrae service with candles and extinguishing as the service concludes). We will have lots of guests at our regular services.

Dave will send out instructions on how to turn on the notification when something is posted to Teams for the Leadership Board.


Closing Prayer

Dave closed this meeting with prayer at 7:58pm.

Submitted by Recording secretary,

Jan Bowden