Easterfest 2025!
12 April 2025
Sundays at 8:00 AM in the Sanctuary Chapel
This early morning worship service is held in the Chapel, adjacent with the Sanctuary. Early risers can join us for a 40-minute service to start their day, featuring hymns, Scripture, communion, and the message for the week. The Chapel is most easily accessed through our front (north) and our east entrances.
Sundays at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall
This contemporary worship service is held in the Fellowship Hall, and includes contemporary praise and worship music, Scripture, communion and the message for the week. Nursery is available for families to drop off their children 12 mos. through 3 years prior to service and our “Hoppy Time” Children’s Church is provided to families of children ages 3 through grade 3 following the music portion of the service. The Fellowship Hall is directly to the right as you walk in the West Entrance of the church.
Sundays at 10:30AM in the Sanctuary
In our traditional service, we worship through hymns with the Sanctuary Choir and special music throughout the fall and spring. We will pray and have readings, share Scripture, communion, and have a weekly message. Childcare is provided, and youth group meets in class, as well during this time. The sanctuary can be easily accessed through all of our entrances but most closely through our East Entrance.
We Give because God Gave First