February 2024 – Leadership Board Minutes

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Aldersgate Church – Leadership Board Agenda

February 27, 2024

Attendance: Randy Campbell, Dave Yoder, Harvey Elder, Kristine Hackett, Jeff Lewis, Nancy
Mosella, Nate Baum, Jeff Kuhn, Bob Winters (Teams), Kevin Hoffman, Linda Jacob, Lydia Kelley,
Desirre Buck, Jan Bowden. Staff or visitors: Jennifer Rager, Mandy Campbell, Jeff Markey, Pastor
Bob, and Kent Springman. Missing Board Member: Ryan Wilt.
Opening / Spiritual Development
• Pastor Bob opened with a passage about Jesus’s healing and often he connected healing
with forgiveness of sins. We need to do whatever it takes to bring people to Jesus and that
Jesus gives us the power to heal.
• Pastor Bob then opened our meeting with prayer.
Call to Order & Welcome
• Minutes from the January meeting was approved as presented.
Regular Business
• Jennifer reviewed the January financials commenting that while January giving was just
slightly down, the February giving number looks very good. Some bills for the Sanctuary
Renewal have been paid as some items have already been started. The question was
posed “Are we doing enough to promote the Sanctuary Renewal to help raise the giving
• Jennifer brought a proposal from the Childrens’ Ministry and Preschool. They would like a
fence to be purchased which will enclose the playground area behind the church. It has
been identified as another way we can protect our children during times they are playing
outdoors during Preschool, VBS and other times. Cars often travel at a high rate of speed,
not realizing there are children on the playground. Proposal have been received and a 3rd
one coming this week. The cost would be covered by a 50/50 split between Preschool and
the General Fund. It was suggested that before the work will start we see a proposed
drawing of the placement to ensure parking and travel lanes are sufficient. MOTION from
Randy: We approve a 50/50 split of costs between Preschool and General Fund for
the fence. Seconded by Linda. Vote: approved There needs to be a plan in place to
inform the congregation of this work.
• Jennifer also reported that she is working with Kent and Ryan to update policies from the
2016 manual. Name changes, changes of responsibilities assigned and so forth will be the
• Jennifer also reported that the team has also scheduled the annual financial compilation,
and this will be an annual practice as in the past. The cost was budgeted.
Painting Team of the Sanctuary Renewal update:
• Nancy reviewed the cost of this project to be about $48, 950. The contractor decided
upon – LaPorte and will start before major work is done in sanctuary which will help keep
costs down. The painters will move and replace pews as needed, any caulking needed,
put on 2 coats of paint, dispose of all debris, cleanup dust, come back to do any needed
touch ups, and put up their own scaffolding. This project will take 3 weeks and will start
April 1st. We will not be able to use the sanctuary during this time so we plan to have the
2 Sundays (April 7 & 14) as combined services.

Work Teams:
• Safe Sanctuary
Jan came with a update for both the employee manual and the Safe Sanctuary manual
that reads as such: “Employees and volunteer prospects will be prohibited to work
and serve in church-sponsored activities with children, youth, and vulnerable
individuals if they have a record of conviction against a child, youth, and/or
vulnerable individual.” Motion came from Team: seconded by Nancy and voted

New Business Policy Updates:
• WebRoot IT Security – Randy reported this is from Treysta and is security information and
should be reviewed by those who received it.
• Endowments Update: Kent reviewed the endowments with report (to be posted in Teams).
• Endowment request: Congregational Care staff Brenda Woodruff has requested funds to
update and purchase the AED’s. One AED is outdated and needs to be replaced and the
one downstairs needs to be checked. Kristine volunteered to lead this project as she has
knowledge in this area. She will create a monitoring system for monthly checks and will
work with Brenda to ensure the equipment works and is up to date. The cost of a new AED
is approximately $1,400. MOTION: Authorize funds from Endowment up to $2,000 for
updating and purchase of AED. Second: Jeff K.
• Information only: Preschool documents for scholarships need updating. Will bring this
back to LB for review.
• Endowment: Documents from the Stewardship Foundation need to be updated as to our
name change, etc. Kent will work on this with Foundation. We also need to change
signatures allowed to requested money. MOTION from Randy with a second from Nate:
Change the name signatures to: Kristine, Jeff L., Ryan, and Kent. Paperwork will be
completed and sent to the Foundation.
The Five Non-Negotiables for Denominational Consideration:
• This Team has not met for a while, but this will be a starting point to help guide team.
State of the Church
• Pastor Bob reviewed attendance numbers.
• Ash Wed service about 100 in attendance.
• Soup and Study with 84 people.
• The congregation seems vibrant and alive.
• Lots of new visitors.
• Staffing has good workflow and good vibes.
• Discussion about online and how to connect – good present with the multiple camera
• 303 subscribers to Bob blog with a 65% open rate
• Eblast with 53% open rate up from about 40% (Kevin suggested meeting with his daughter
who works with online companies to see if she can help us improve our online presence.)
• Membership is still growing up to 301 members.
Adjournment: Harvey closed meeting with prayer.
Submitted by Jan Bowden, Recorder
Next meeting on: March 26 at 6:30pm