January 2024 – Leadership Board Minutes

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Aldersgate Church – Leadership Board Meeting Minutes

January 30, 2024

Present: Nate Baum, Jan Bowden, Desirre’ Buck, Randy Campbell, Harvey Elder,
Kristine Hackett, Kevin Hoffman, Linda Jacob, Lydia Kelly, Jeff Kuhn, Jeff Lewis, Nancy
Mosella, Ryan Wilt, Bob Winters, Dave Yoder and Paster Bob Kaylor
Congregants & staff: Mandy Campbell, Deana Fornoff & Jennifer Rager

Dave Yoder opened the meeting at 6:30 pm.

Prayer/Devotional: Pastor Bob led, reading from Exodus 6 & Matthew 27

New Business:
Election of Officers:
1. Nancy nominated Dave Yoder as Chair. Linda seconded. Dave was unanimously
2. Jeff Kuhn nominated Harvey Elder as vice-Chair. Ryan seconded. Harvey was
unanimously approved.
3. Randy nominated Kristine as Secretary. Desirre’ seconded. The secretary has legal
signing authority for the corporation. Christine was unanimously approved.
4. Kevin made motion for Jan to be Recorder. Nate seconded. The recorder will
record the meeting minutes. Jan was unanimously approved.
Policy Updates:
Several policies need to be update and created. Policies discussed are noted, including
the lead person(s). People from outside of the Leadership Board will be recruited to
1. Employee Handbook Update – Randy
2. Financial controls – Ryan (and Jennifer)
3. Safe Sanctuary – Jan & Miranda
4. By-laws – Randy

Classified as Business

Next Steps for Potential Future Denominational Affiliations:
A sub-team was formed in late 2023 to develop potential denominational affiliation
options. It was suggested that we provide criteria for items that should be included in
any denominations that would be considered. Below are the recommended criteria.
1. No trust clause and a defined exit path
2. Ability to have significant input/final approval in hiring a lead pastor
3. Wesleyan Theology and historical beliefs held by Aldersgate
4. Proven to be an effective organization that includes governance and accountability
of leadership
5. Cost effective
PA Dept of State Form
We need to complete and submit the forms to the State of Pennsylvania for the
corporation. The Officers need to sign and submit. Randy to lead this effort.
Penny Ness – authorization to work up to 25 hours/week
Bob Winters made the motion to approve. Randy seconded. No questions.
Unanimously approved.
Documents for 501(c)3 designation
We need to create the documents required to submit. The application requires written
doctrine and by-laws. We have 17 months from the time of inception of the new
Aldersgate (July 2023). Goal is to complete in the next 6 months. Randy has the lead.
Tech Team designation (Buildings & Grounds, Ministry Council, or both)
Two (2) primary functions of the Tech Team – worship support and technical support of
the systems in the church. Tech Team to work with Jeff Markey on worship-related
items and Deana on the other items. Jennifer Rager offered to handle the recording of
the expenses as they are incurred.
Jennifer also noted that the church has an exemption from sales tax and can make
these purchases.
Sanctuary Renewal
The Committee has been working for approximately four (4) months. They have
approved a recommendation to replacing all the lighting, add adjustable lighting in the
front of the church, replacing all of the sound controls equipment, replacement of all
wireless microphones which include four (4) new wireless headsets, replacing all of the
video recording equipment, removal of curtains behind the cross with the additional LED
lights to highlight the cross, moving control stations from the balcony the back of the
sanctuary. In addition, the hearing assistance system will be updated and will be able to
pair with most new hearing aids. The quoted cost for this work is $188,000.

Classified as Business

Three (3) items are not included in the quote and will be handled separately. This
includes a raised platform for technicians, plaster surface-work behind cross and
potentially painting parts or the entire sanctuary. The cost estimate is a total of
$210,000 including these three (3) items.
It was also noted that the sanctuary should be painted as well. The painting is
estimated to be $30,000 – 40,000.
The total cost is estimated for all of the sanctuary work to be $240,000. Randy made a
motion to approve the project for $240,000. Nate seconded. The motion was
unanimously approved.
Parking Lot
The Trustees have been talking about repairs since 2019. The parking lot has been
patched over the years and is again in need of repair. The feeling was that we should
avoid trying to get another winter season from the existing parking lot, given its
condition. The lowest estimate to resurface the parking lot is for $149,250. Line striping
is estimated to be an additional $7,000 – 8,000. After discussion, a recommendation
was made to proceed with a resurfacing of the parking lot.
Randy made a motion to proceed with the resurfacing and relining of the parking lot for
a cost of $175,000. Jeff Lewis seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.
Regular Business:
The financials were discussed extensively during the prior discussion of sanctuary
renewal and parking lot. Below is a summary of finances (the detailed statements were
shared prior to the meeting).
• Excluding one-timers, we finished 2023 with a loss of $17,000 (essentially
• The balance on the line of credit (how much we owe) is currently at $140,000.
Regarding the two (2) capital projects:
• Total estimated cost = $415,000 ($270,000 + $175,000)
• There is currently $363,000 available for the two (2) capital projects
o Sanctuary renewal fund = $58,000
o Trustees Building Fund (for capital projects) = $55,000
o Available from Endowments = $30,000
o Available from general checking account = $220,000
▪ Note – this would leave $250,000 in general checking

• The gap in capital funding = $52,000.
• A short video and other information will be created to share the sanctuary work
with the congregation, for those interested in contributing to the projects.
• We are very blessed to have so many resources available for the overall church
operation, including missions.

Classified as Business

New Business:
Charles Schwab Account
Signing authority needs to be updated on this account. Bob Winters made a motion to
have Ryan, Harvey and Kristine as the signers with Jennifer Rager to have read-only
access. Nancy seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

Internet Service Provider
Randy noted that a new service provider, Glo Fiber, will save the church $100/month
with increased internet speeds. A new line from the street to the church’s east side will
be trenched and Glo Fiber’s expense before the parking lot repairs are completed.

There being no further business, Dave Yoder offered a prayer and closed the meeting at
8:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Harvey Elder